Saturday, January 25, 2025
Popular Topics and Retreat packages
Each is ideal for a keynote message and can be tailored for a special event, or expanded for a conference, retreat, or evangelistic outreach.
- Connecting With God and Girlfriends in a Disconnected World - Strong friendships are a vital part of the support system that help women fulfill our dreams, stay healthy, and deal with stress. Discover how we can cultivate a deeper connection with God and develop friendships with other women in the midst of the multiple demands of life. < ;/li>
- Experiencing Joy: Five Choices That Will Transform Your Life - In this message, Cheri shares five things joyful women do and the choices you can make today that will change your life. As she deals with the joy stealers, she’ll give you creative ideas that help you live with less stress and more joy in everyday life.
- A Fresh-Brewed Prayer Life - Time spent in conversation with God renews our hearts and energizes our souls. Rather than as one more thing to pack into your schedule, Cheri shares the gift, invitation, and power of prayer, and the ways prayer will bless your life and others around you. Then she’ll inspire you with creative ideas to weave prayer throughout the fabric of your day—despite the busyness that distracts you.
- Overcoming the Fear Factor: Peace in An Uncertain World - Starting with her own story of overcoming fears, Cheri encourages you to trade worry for wonder, and anxiety for a sense of adventure and purpose. She shows ways to overcome the fear factor and live with peace in an uncertain world.
- Mothers & Daughters: Celebrating the Seasons in a Woman’s Life - Discover how to navigate through the transitions moms and daughters go through, smooth the normal tensions that develop. We’ll deal with the “Big Three” things that annoy daughters, find new ways to connect and become adult friends that enjoy and support each other in every season.
- Encouragement for Life: Words of Hope for Times of Challenge & Change - Everybody needs encouragement, and the more stressful life gets the more encouragement is necessary for us to thrive. How to encourage your friends, spouse, children, co-workers, and yourself as well. (also titled “Hopeful Words in a Hurting World”)
*Each of these talks can be modified or expanded from a single keynote to as entire weekend retreat. Additional messages for specific topics or events can be arranged. Cheri also speaks at moms and parent events.
Cheri presents workshops for writers, and as a former teacher, she also enjoys opportunities to inspire educators and parents with such topics as:
The Power of a Praying Family
Journey to Success in School
Unlocking Children’s Learning Potential
How to Start a Children’s Prayer Ministry
Opening Children’s Learning Windows
Opening Children’s Spiritual Windows
Big Things Happen When Kids Pray
Writers Conference Seminars
- Hold to Be Your Own Agent Until the Right One Comes Along
- Writing Articles and Web Content That Promote Your Books
- How to Write a Nonfiction Book Proposal That Sells
- Ten Tips on Writing Non-fiction Books
Writers Conference Seminars
- Hold to Be Your Own Agent Until the Right One Comes Along
- Writing Articles and Web Content That Promote Your Books
- How to Write a Nonfiction Book Proposal That Sells
- Ten Tips on Writing Non-fiction Books
Some of Cheri's Books Include:
- Mother-Daughter Duet: Getting To the Relationship
- You Want With Your Adult Daughter
- A Busy Woman’s Guide to Prayer
- The One Year Women’s Friendship Devotional
- Connect With Your Grandkids
- The One Year book of Praying Through the Bible
- Loving Your Spouse Through Prayer
- When Mothers Pray