Giving the Gift of Encouragement to Your Kids
Because many of my readers have asked for me to post the following words to say and not to say to children, I am sharing it again. Blessings to each of you!
Encouraging and Motivating Your Sons and Daughters
10 Encouraging Things to Say That Build Kids Up: Every Child Needs to Hear that:
§ I believe in you.
§ It’s a blessing to be your mom/dad (grandma, aunt)
§ I love you. Then be specific: I love your smile (energy, caring heart, etc.)
§ I noticed…(you got your homework done, or that you have a new friend).
That’s what I call responsibility (kindness, other character quality)
§ Keep up the good work. You’re making progress!
§ If more kids were like you, this world would be a better place.
§ There is a bright future ahead for you.
§ Thanks for what you did…(helping, doing chores, doing homework, etc.)
§ If all the 8 year old girls (or 10, 5, use child’s age) were lined up from all over the world and I could only pick one, I’d pick YOU
§ I admire or am proud of you for …(name a specific quality or trait)
10 Negative Phrases NOT TO SAY Because They Tear Kids Down
§ You’re no good; you’ll never amount to anything.
§ If you don’t stop doing that, I’m going to leave you here (or go home without you).
§ Why can’t you be more like your brother/sister?
§ I can’t stand you.
§ You are so much trouble.
§ I can’t wait until you’re grown up and out of here.
§ Don’t you ever listen? Where are your brains?
§ What’s WRONG with you?
§ You are stupid.
§ You’re giving me a headache (or stressing me out).
Some of Cheri's Books Include:
- Mother-Daughter Duet: Getting To the Relationship
- You Want With Your Adult Daughter
- A Busy Woman’s Guide to Prayer
- The One Year Women’s Friendship Devotional
- Connect With Your Grandkids
- The One Year book of Praying Through the Bible
- Loving Your Spouse Through Prayer
- When Mothers Pray